“Proles and Animals are free” (Orwell 62)

    • “Proles and Animals are free” (Orwell 62)

         The Party believe that the Proles were not consider a human and therefore they was more aniaml like than human. Proles lived a more normal life than other people. They made up 85 percent of the population and Winston believe that if the Proles wanted to they could easily take over the Party(Big Brother). Winston believe that if there any hope that in lies in the hands of the Proles. “If there is hope it lies in the Proles” (Orwell 60). Proles were consider to more animal like but in reality they live normal life.

  • “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follow” (Orwell 69)

Winston no longer feel that the Party is trustworthy and had even caught them in a lie. He feel that if the Party would say that 2+2=5 than the people would believe it. He feel that he is living a life with no freedom but he indulgence in the activities to not the draw attention to himself. Telescreen watches your every move and there is no way of escaping them. He feel like he is trapped in his own life. He know that sooner or later that the ThoughtPolice will catch up with him sooner or later.

“Syme will be vaporized…he thought it some kind of sadness” (Orwell 48)

Winston believe that Syme is too smart for his own good and that will lead him to be vaporized. The Party do not like people that have intelligent of any sort so when they are done with him he will be killed. Syme works in the dictornary the Eleven Edition he tell Winston that they are taking out words and by 2050 their would only be handful of words. Syme believes that they are doing this to elimited thought crimes because if there are only handful of word than no one can rebel against Party(Big Brother). The use words like “ungood” and “plusgood” for words like excellent or splendid. One day Syme disappear everybody walks around like he never exist.

“All marriages between Party members had to be approved by a committee appointed for the purpose and though the principle was never clearly stated—permission was always refused if the couple gave the impression of being physically attracted to each other (Orwell 57)

Marriage was not your typically marriage. Party had to approved of the marriage and person that you will wed will be someone that you have no emotional or physical attration towards. They did not believe in divorce and you could only seperate if there were no children or child. 

“With those children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror.”

Children were raised to be spies and people usually fear them because they could easily rat you out. They seem even more gullible then the people because they followed the rules and snitched on people. Children were to be fear but at any moment they could have you vaporized. Winston even stated that one day they will have their own mother vaporized.

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